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Lot Details

Portrait Of A Gentleman, Wearing A Fur-lined Cloak And A Black Hat by 
																	Jan van Scorel

Jan van Scorel

( Dutch, 1495 - 1562 )

Portrait Of A Gentleman, Wearing A Fur-lined Cloak And A Black Hat




oil on panel


33.15 in. (84.20 cm.) (height) by 26.38 in. (67.00 cm.) (width)


Berlin,. Renaissanceausstellung , 1901 (according to Hoorn, see. Literature, and the Weber sale catalogue


Kunstgegenstände im Hause des Herrn Martin Bromberg, Hamburg 1913, no. 4 (as Cornelis van Cleve);. F. Winkler, Die Altniederländische Malerei , Berlin 1924, p. 330, reproduced fig. 196 (as C. van Cleve); . Schedule 'A' - List of French Property from Central Collecting Point Munich , 3 June 1949, p. 15; . O. Benesch, 'Jan Vermeyen als Bildnismaler', in Münchner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst , VI, 1929, p. 215 (as Vermeyen); . G. Glück , 'Bildnisse aus dem Hause Habsburg: I. Kaiserin Isabella,' in Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen in Wien , VII, 1933, p. 197 (as Vermeyen); . M.J. Friedländer, Die Altniederländische Malerei , vol. XII, Berlin and Leiden 1935, p. 207, no. 387B (as possibly by Jan van Scorel); . R. Bacou et al. , Le XVIe siècle européen: Peintures et dessins dans les collections publiques françaises , exhibition catalogue, Paris Petit Palais, 1965-66, p. 324 (as Vermeyen); . E. Brochhagen et al., Alte Pinakothek München Katalog I: Deutsche und niederländische Malerei zwischen Renaissance und Barock , Munich 1973, pp. 68-69, under no. 739; . Catalogue Sommaire (Musée d'art et d'histoire, Chambéry), vol. I, 1979, p. 180 (as Joos van Cleve); . J. Aubert and P. Dumas, Musée d'art et d'histoire, Chambéry . Peintures , Chambéry 1982, p. 30, reproduced in colour p. 31 (as Joos van Cleve, circa 1530); . J. Horn, Jan Cornelisz Vermeyen painter of Charles V and his conquest of Tunis , Doornspijk 1989, 2 vols, vol. I, pp. 65-66, n. 63; . Portrait , exhibition catalogue, Réunion des Musées Nationaux 2001, pp. 283-84, reproduced p. 134


Prof. Ernst Ewald (Director of the Berliner Kunstgewerbeschule), Berlin;. From whose estate acquired in 1905 with the help of Max J. Friedländer by Consul Eduard F. Weber, Hamburg; . His sale, Berlin, Lepke, 20-23 February 1912, lot 99 (as Joos van Cleve), for 67,000 Reichsmarks to Kommerzienrat Bromberg; . Martin Bromberg, Hamburg; . By descent to Henry and Hertha Bromberg, Hamburg; . With F. Kleinberger (Allen Loebl), Paris, before 20 December 1938 (sold under duress by the above); . With Victor Mandl, Wiesbaden, 1939; . With Georges Wildenstein, Paris, 1939; . With Yves Perdoux, Paris, 22 February 1941; . With Galerie Maria Almas Dietrich, Munich, 22 February 1941 - March 1941, bought for 18.750 RM (Provision Paul A. Jurschewitz, inv. no. 59); . Sold by the above to the Reichskanzlei, Berlin for 35.000 RM, intended for the proposed Führermuseum in Linz ('Sonderauftrag Linz'), March 1941 (inv. no. 1557); . Discovered by the Allied 'Monuments Men' in the salt mines at Alt-Aussee, Austria in 1945 (inv. no. 3065); . Transferred to the Munich Central Collecting Point, 15 July 1945 (inv. no. 4416); . Restituted to the French state, Musées Nationaux Récupération, 3 June 1949 (inv. no. 387); Dépot de l'État of the Musée du Louvre, Paris, 1950-1960; From where deposited at the Musée des Beaux-Arts, Chambéry, 1960; Restituted in 2016 to the heirs of Henry and Hertha Bromberg



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( Italian , b. 1697 - d. 1768 )


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